There are 3 very important things to keep in mind if you are trying to lose weight:
1."You can't outrun your fork": This means that you can't exercise away an excessive, high calorie, high carbohydrate diet. Running a marathon burns about 2500 calories (~10,400 kJ), but there can be 3000 calories (~12,500 kJ) in a large cheese pizza alone! We have many dieters who arrive overweight for our program who also have a history of daily exercise! 2. Is that food actually healthy? Lots of foods have both good and bad components. For example, pasta is a high carbohydrate food, which makes your body release excess insulin (many people have heard that large amounts of pasta are not good for you). But many fruits are also high in carbohydrates, similar to pasta. Does this mean that all fruits are bad for you? No, but frequent, high carb fruits are not the best idea if you are trying to lose weight. We can show you exactly which ones are best and when to eat them. 3. Are you losing body fat or lean muscle? Many of the fad diets out there are gimmicks which can cause you to gain weight in the long run. Lots of crash diets/fad diets cause your body to sacrifice your lean muscle mass as you lose weight. Sometimes the weight lost on a crash diet is half muscle and half body fat! So when you put that weight back on after the crash diet is over, you will be putting mostly fat back on, not muscle. It is much better to preserve your precious lean muscle mass, and we will show you exactly how to do that. Ballarat Diet, Ballarat Weight Loss, Ballarat Lose Weight, Ballarat Nutrition
How fat is your belly? is a very bold question! This "fat belly" has a lot of health consequences to it: If you are a woman, your belly should measure less than 88cm or you run the risk of many health problems (men should measure <102cm). A fat belly is embarrassing, and it also raises your chances of heart attack and diabetes. Being overweight in general is associated with 13 different kinds of cancer (!). Large amounts of sugar, even the natural sugar found in your favourite fruits (fructose) can lead to fat building up around your belly and even around your liver, giving you a "fatty liver". Fatty liver disease is a build-up of fats in the liver that can damage the organ and lead to serious complications. Fatty liver disease affects 1 in 10 adults. A fat belly can also give you high blood pressure. It is very important to know that high blood pressure and fatty liver disease very often have NO symptoms at all. You may be suffering from these and not be aware of it at all, especially if you are over 35. It might be time to take out the tape measure and see how fat your belly is. What about your partner? Or your sister or mother? Are they running the risk of embarrassment and health complications? It might be time to find out! Ballarat Weight Loss, Ballarat Diet, Ballarat Nutrition, Lose Weight |
AuthorI lost 15 kilos in 11 weeks with our program and have kept it off for 8 years. Our program is very effective and easy to follow. Ask us how! Archives
July 2022
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